What Are the Benefits of Regular Air Conditioning Maintenance?

In a workplace or public building which relies on good ventilation, regular air conditioning maintenance is essential. If you notice poor airflow, stale odours, or a leak from an air conditioning system, it could be time for a service. But the easiest, most cost-effective way to avoid problems with your AC is to invest in a routine maintenance contract.

The benefits of regular air conditioning maintenance include:

  • Reduced repair costs
  • Increased system lifespan
  • Improved energy efficiency
  • Better indoor air quality
  • Warranty remains valid


1. Reduced Repair Costs

Over time, wear and tear to an air con system can develop into faults that need fixing, which can leave you without air conditioning and facing an expensive repair bill. Regular maintenance will ensure that any minor faults are found and fixed before they lead to more costly damage, making a maintenance contract the most cost-effective way to keep your system running reliably.


2. Increased System Lifespan

Even the newest air conditioning technology needs routine maintenance to ensure it works as it should. Investing in an AC system can be a big outlay for a business, which it’s important to take steps to get many years of service from your air con. Maintenance is much more affordable than a full system replacement.

A maintenance contract will help prolong the lifespan of the system by flagging any faults that could cause a breakdown, and will also give you access to expert tips on taking care of your AC day to day.


3. Improved Energy Efficiency

An air conditioning system that isn’t running reliably could result in wasted energy and increased running costs for your business. Regular cleaning of fans, condenser coils, and heat exchangers will improve efficiency by keeping AC working effectively, which is good for your pocket and for the planet. 

Your maintenance provider will also be able to recommend how to use your system in an energy-efficient way, which can include educating staff on how it works, and ensuring windows and doors are kept closed.


4. Better Indoor Air Quality

When properly maintained and correctly used, air conditioning can improve the air quality indoors, resulting in a more comfortable, healthy, and productive workplace. A build up of dirt in the system could lead to unpleasant odours or unreliable airflow, both of which will impact the quality of the air. 

With routine maintenance, you can feel confident that the air inside your building will remain clean and fresh, making for a more pleasant and hygienic working environment.


5. Warranty Remains Valid

If your air con system is still within its warranty period, regular maintenance might be required to keep the warranty valid. Many leading manufacturers provide warranties and once your system has been installed, arranging a maintenance contract is the best way to ensure you meet the servicing conditions of your agreement. This will give you the peace of mind that your system is covered should a breakdown occur.


Arrange a Maintenance Contract with ETUK

A planned preventative maintenance contract from ETUK will ensure that your air conditioning is regularly checked for faults, so that it always runs reliably and efficiently. Call us on 01234 77 22 78 or complete our contact form to enquire about a maintenance contract to keep your air con in top condition.